What it Means to Add Teens to Your Scottsdale Car Insurance Policy


As unfortunate as it is, the greatest risk for traffic crashes is among teenage drivers. In fact, according to statistics:

  • Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers across the United States.
  • Per mile drove, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more likely than older drivers to crash.
  • Crash risk is particularly high during the first year that teenagers are eligible to drive.
  • Teens are more likely than older drivers to speed and allow shorter distance between their car and the car ahead of them.

That is why when you want to add your teenage children to your Scottsdale auto insurance policy, you may find your insurance rates increase. What can you do to limit the hit to your insurance premiums?

Driving Permit May Limit Insurance Increase

According to the website DMV.org, “Many insurers only hike insurance premiums after a teen receives a driver’s license.” Therefore, they recommend that you encourage your teen driver to hang onto their permit status longer. They’ll have to “abide by the stricter driving requirements imposed on permit holders,” but it could ultimately save you money.

One option that some people recommend is to consider buying a separate insurance policy for your teen. However, the counter-argument is that a separate policy will not have sufficient coverage in case of an accident, so you would be wiser to insure them on your policy where you can get the highest limits. Better to pay a higher premium and have sufficient coverage than to risk losing your assets in a lawsuit.

Other Options to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance Policy

Some of the additional options you may want to investigate when it comes to teen auto insurance include:

  • Consider adding your teen to your policy as an “occasional driver” and/or assign them to the least expensive car on your policy.
  • Choose a car that offers a recognized safety record and has multiple safety features, such as airbags, antilock brakes, electronic stability control, and head restraints as well as security features such as anti-theft devices and a GPS to track where your teen is at all times.
  • Look into good student, driver education, and low-mileage driver discounts.
  • Don’t just accept what your current insurance provider offers. Shop around to make sure you are getting the best coverage for the best price (not the cheapest).
  • Consider a graduated driver’s licensing (GDL) system. They are designed to delay full licensure while allowing teens to get their initial driving experience under low-risk conditions. Research suggests that the most comprehensive GDL programs reduce fatal crashes (38%) and injury crashes (40%) in fatal and injury crashes among 16-year-old drivers.

As a parent, you need to help your teenager understand the importance of safe driving. Talk with your teenager about driver safety, distracted driving, traffic violations, and auto accidents. Not just because it will affect your insurance rates, but because it affects so much more. Distracted driving according to Hogle Injury Law, a car accident lawyer in Arizona is the leading cause of teen driver-related collisions.

If you need assistance in choosing the best auto insurance policy for you and your family, contact our Scottsdale, AZ Insurance office.